The Jeune Maman Podcast
The Jeune Maman Podcast is an audio-journey of the intricacies of Senegalese-American motherhood. Host Aissatou Guisse reflects on her own experiences and shares those of others around her, with the goal of sharing information, imparting wisdom with the help of guest speakers, dispelling myths, and much more!
33 episodes
Divorce Gauche & Droite | Mia Guisse, Dieyla, Ndakhte Lo | Failed Marriages
Ndakhte Lo, Mia Guisse, Dieyla - what's the common thread?! Ooohh I was mad today. Seeing these stories of Senegalese artists really annoyed me because it highlights such a problem in our community where we underestimate the importance of marri...
Season 1
Episode 33

E32: Bete Bete discussion w/ Bamba Rassoul (les problèmes de caste au Sénégal, les mariages et la société)
In this episode, I discuss the show Bete Bete by EvenProd in Senegal with Bamba Rassoul, an commentator of shows, movies, and culture. We talk about the impact of the caste system in Senegal, how it shows up in the show, and how society at larg...
Season 1
Episode 32

E31: Should We in the Diaspora Be Suggesting Solutions for Our Home Countries?
In light of Senegal's new and youngest African president, Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye, I wanted to make this quick video to congratulate him and his team and also speak about my experience as someone living in the Diaspora. I ran into an Aba ...
Season 1
Episode 31

Rediscovering Faith | A discussion on self-improvement and spiritual growth (Guest: Imam D.)
In this video, I discuss various topics with my friend, Imam Diongue! We talk about relationships, parenting, self-discovery, and spiritual growth, especially in the youth today! Tune in for an interesting discussion!
Season 1
Episode 30

E29: Breaking Generational Cycles: Parenting Styles (Pt 1)
In this episode, I delve into the various parenting styles that exist and explore their impact on children's development.
Season 1
Episode 29

E28: First-Time Moms Share Their Breastfeeding Journeys (Guest: Tene Rahim)
In this episode, I have my first in-person guest, my friend and sister, Tene Rahim Gueye! We talk about our breastfeeding chronicles and joyful journey through motherhood so far!Follow her on Instagram: @tene_rahim !
Season 1
Episode 28

E27: Living A DOUBLE LIFE: Why We Have To Stop Sending Money Back Home!
For Africans living in the Diaspora, when it comes to family members, close or extended, there's a predicament between financially helping them and putting yourself first. Often times, you have to choose between a combination of external peace ...
Season 1
Episode 27

E26: Old Wives Tales for Inducing Labor - Do They Work?
In this episode, I talk about 9 Old Wives Tales for inducing labor! Some I've tried and others I haven't! Tune in to find out what worked for me!
Season 1
Episode 26

E25: Self-Doubt and The Consequences of Social Media
In this episode, I talk about the impact of social media on our self-esteem, how it makes us question ourselves at times, and how we can break free from that. Additionally, I give my tips-and-tricks on how to balance busy life schedules as moth...
Season 1
Episode 25

E24: Cross-Cultural Motherhood - African Moms Discuss FGM, Pregnancy, and Community
In this episode, Aissatou has a candid discussion with guest, Hawa, on #FGM, #Pregnancy while moving to the US, and #taboosubjects within their African communities that have made them who they are today. FGM Prevalence: Mo...
Season 1
Episode 24

E23: AITA for locking my kid out so I can sleep? | Reddit Reactions
In this episode, I respond to some AITA Reddit posts, parenthood edition!
Season 1
Episode 23

E22: Choosing the Right Partner - It's Better Late Than Wrong!
Happy New Year, The Jeune Maman Podcast Family! And welcome back to a new episode, where I talk about the importance of taking your time, picking your life partner wisely, and navigating in-law relationships! Enjoy!
Season 1
Episode 22

E21: Joko x Jeune Maman Podcast: Baabel Reaction Video
In this cross-over episode, Joko hosts Arame & Aida (yours truly) talk with their friend, Kady Fall, about Marodi TV's Baabel show. The show runs on TFM locally in Senegal and on YouTube. I am sharing this discussion over on The Jeune Maman...
Season 1
Episode 21

E20: Is it possible to live a peaceful life in a big family house? | Baabel TV Show Discussion
In this video, I'm having a lighthearted discussion with Kady Fall about popular Marodi TV show, Baabel.You can watch Baabel on YouTube via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqe0sSESmaQbLFdTExctQLAFollow my guest on Instagram @__...
Season 1
Episode 20

E19: African Motherhood: Nigerian and Senegalese Parenting
Ever wondered about the cultural nuances of motherhood in different parts of the world? Curated for those with a keen interest in diverse parenting practices and traditions, this episode unveils the captivating journey of pregnancy and motherho...
Season 1
Episode 19

E18: Preparing for Labor & Delivery!
In this episode, I talk about the labor & delivery experience and tips & tricks that you can use the make the experience more seamless, enjoyable, and fulfilling! My Birth Plan Link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFPsxo2c...
Season 1
Episode 18

E17: Mama Doesn’t Always Know Best! | Senegalese Parenting x Therapy
In this episode, I talk about the importance of doing the hard work required to be a successful parent, including unlearning unhealthy behaviors and leveraging prayer, introspection, and therapy to become better versions of ourselves. ...
Season 1
Episode 17

E16: Exploring Halal Dating and Intercultural Marriages w/ The Village Auntie
In this video, I discuss various topics around sexual/reproductive health, intercultural marriage, and familial relationships with Sister Angelica Lindsey-Ali, also known as The Village Auntie.Check out her website: https://villageaunti...
Season 1
Episode 16
E15: Maintaining Your Identity After Marriage & Kids (Wolof)
In this video, I'm discussing the challenges of maintaining your identity after marrying and having kids. I'll talk about the Wolof culture and how it relates to motherhood and identity in post-marriage life. If you're married and have kids, th...
Season 1
Episode 15

E14: Financial Literacy with The Wolof of Wall Street
In this episode, I talk with Bijou, aka the Wolof of Wall Street and get her take on various financial topics!
Season 1
Episode 14

E13: Exploring Different Parenting Styles: Senegalese Girl Dad
In this very special episode, I talk with Gora Diagne, a Jeune Papa, and get his perspective on parenthood, being a girl dad, and gender roles in the home! Enjoy!My YouTube channel has also launched for this podcast. Be sure to check th...
Season 1
Episode 13

E12: Senegalese-Motherhood - Balancing Nurture, Discipline, & Values
Have you ever wondered about the unique challenges of raising children in the United States while keeping them connected to their Senegalese roots? Our guest for this episode, Codou Diop, is here to shed light on exactly that! Join us as we exp...
Season 1
Episode 12

E11: Motherhood Lately - Prayers, Reflections, and Growth
Just when I thought I had the parenting gig figured out, life decided to serve me a hefty slice of humble pie. Tune in as I take you on a journey from my best friend's tragic loss to the chaos of traveling with a baby, breathing life into the o...
Season 1
Episode 11

E10: Understanding Postpartum Depression through a Senegalese-American Lens
Ever wondered what postpartum depression looks like from a Senegalese-American perspective, or been curious about the stark cultural differences in women's health between Senegal and America? This episode of The Jeune Maman Podcast takes you on...
Season 1
Episode 10